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Organisation of Football in the Maldives

The organisation of football in the Maldives is structured into several tiers, allowing clubs to advance or regress based on their performance. This structure is divided into two main levels.

The pinnacle of the hierarchy is occupied by the Dhivehi Premier League, which is the highest level of football in the Maldives. It comprises 8 clubs that compete for the title of Maldivian champion. The clubs in the Dhivehi Premier League also participate in the Maldives Cup, a knockout competition.

The second level of football in the Maldives is the Second Division. The clubs in this division aspire to be promoted to the Dhivehi Premier League. The Second Division is a competitive league that offers clubs a chance to move up to the first division and compete against the country's top clubs.

In addition to these two levels, there are also regional leagues and tournaments in the Maldives. These competitions provide local clubs with the opportunity to develop and progress within the Maldivian league system.

Despite its small size, football in the Maldives is very popular and the league structure allows for healthy competition and the progression of local talent.